Our Mission: Helping our Healthcare Heroes
We've sewn 13,000 masks and counting!
We are a group dedicated to helping protect our local Nurses, Doctors, First Responders & Healthcare Workers in Rockland County
We are a group that was launched and coordinated by Rockland residents Tina LoPresti and Sabrina Roffman. Starting on Facebook, the group soon grew as more and more people wanted to help keep their neighbors safe. Working with our local hospitals, Good Sam & Nyack, we quickly established the best ways to achieve our goal and are now using guidelines and mask patterns approved by both hospitals.
The focus now is on covering frontline hospital workers, and the group's initial efforts were focused on providing masks for Good Samaritan and Montefiore Nyack hospitals. Since then we've branched out to include frontline workers such as our first responders and other healthcare workers.
Masks sewn properly, with the right kind of fabric, can meet guidelines established by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The masks are not the same as N95 Respirators, which are in short supply and needed most by medical providers treating patients with COVID-19.
Get started on your first mask today! Check out our MAKE A MASK PAGE to get started now.
Email: maskhealth4@gmail.com
Have Questions or Suggestions? Let us know!
You can also post on our FaceBook Group: The Masked Warrior Project